- Stay Positive. You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can trust that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.
- Take a daily “Thank You Walk.” You can’t be stressed and thankful at the same time. Feel blessed and you won’t be stressed.
- Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and fewer foods manufactured in plants.
- Talk to yourself instead of listening to yourself. Instead of listening to your complaints, fears, and doubts, talk to yourself with words of truth and encouragement.
- Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires Allowed.” Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet,” and neither should you!
- Be a Positive Team Member. Being positive doesn’t just make you better, it makes everyone around you better.
- Don’t chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you.
- Get more sleep. You can’t replace sleep with a double latte.
- Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts, or things you cannot control.
- Look for opportunities to love, serve, and care. You don’t have to be great to serve but you have to serve to be great.
- Live your purpose. Remember why you do what you do. We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.
- Remember, there’s no such thing as an overnight success.
- Trust that everything happens for a reason and expect good things to come out of challenging experiences.
- Implement the No Complaining Rule. If you are complaining, you’re not leading.
- Read more books than you did in 2019. I happen to know of a few good ones. 🙂
- Don’t seek happiness. Instead, live with love, passion, and purpose and happiness will find you.
Let’s Talk About Stress Away
Another one of my favorite oils is Stress Away. The name says it all. It comes in an oil and in a roller. It has a unique combination of Lime and Vanilla extract and smells amazing!
I use this oil daily. Some days more than once or twice. It is great for helping you to relax when you are feeling pressure from everyday stresses. Here are some ways it can be used:
Had a long, tough day? Diffuse it around your home for a soothing aroma.
- Need to feel its calming? Apply it to your wrists or back of the neck while at work or school to enjoy its calming scent.
- Have a long drive or rush-hour commute? Add a few drops to a cotton ball and place it in the air vent of your car to create a calming environment.
- Send kids to school on test day with Stress Away’s soothing aroma.
- Apply it to your wrists to wear it as a pleasant perfume.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the information in these blogs please feel free to contact me through The Hammock LLC.
Essential Oil: Joy
Joy not only smells great but it does exactly what its name says – it gives you a sense of Joy. Now, this joy is not the giddy kind of joy but rather the kind that comes from within – a feeling of contentedness.
I have used Joy as part of my perfume and as a pick me up when the feelings of depression are pulling at me.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the information in these blogs please feel free to contact me through The Hammock LLC.
Well, that is it for now. We will chat again later.
Are you Nutritionally Bankrupt?
It is important to distinguish between refined and processed sugars and unprocessed sugars that are naturally found in foods like vegetables, dairy, and fruits. The difference is the food that contains unprocessed natural sugars also contain health-promoting nutrients like water, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients, and bread down to sugar at a slower rate. Foods that contain refined and processed sugars such as candy and commercial baked goods do not have health benefits and break down sugars at a faster rate is NOT GOOD. Eating in balance with other healthy food, and foods that contain natural sugars are health-promoting. Foods that contain refined and processed sugars as always health depleting and are empty-calorie foods. The devoid of all key nutrients which rob essential nutrients such as B vitamins, chromium, zinc, magnesium that we need.
Look at this situation as a bank account. If you withdraw money from your bank account and never replenish the money. You become financially broke. This is the same thing that happens in regards to our health when we eat too many processed sugars.
Bottom line: Processed sugars are horrible for your body…natural sugars have health-promoting nutrients.
Hello, let’s talk about Joy, one of my favorite oils. Joy is a beautiful blend that creates an energy that brings joy to the heart, uplifts the soul, and inspires romance. It is the perfect blend to diffuse or apply topically when you are needing that extra mood booster.
Sugar…What is so bad about it?
I am continuing to hear about all the bad things on what sugar does to the body. I have decided to do some research into this favorite delightful tasty treat and see what is so bad about it. Here is what I am finding…
Sugar is a natural ingredient that has been in our diets for thousands of years. It is a simple carbohydrate and when broken down it provides energy to the body. How fast or slow it’s broken down is the key and makes all the difference in how our bodies respond to it. Anything thing that ends in “ose” is sugar. The most common sugars are:
Sucrose: table sugar which is made of glucose and fructose. It is extracted from sugarcane and is found in fruits and veggies.
Fructose and glucose: are found in fruits, honey, and veggies.
Lactose is called milk sugar because it is found in milk and dairy products.
Maltose is known as malt sugar and is found in malted drinks and beer.
There is a difference between refined and processed sugars such as table sugar and unprocessed sugars that are naturally found in fruits and veggies. Unprocessed sugars contain help promoting nutrients that break down at a slower rate. While refined sugars such as candy and baked goods do not have health benefits and break down at a faster rated which is not good.
Natural sugars, when eaten in balance with other healthy foods, are more health-promoting. This can make natural sugars nutrient-dense food. Eating processed sugars are always health-depleting and are empty-calorie foods. Processed sugars also rob the body of essential nutrients and can leave the body nutrient-deficit. They have no B vitamins, chromium, magnesium, zinc or other minerals that the body needs to digest and metabolize.
I have craved sugar for some time now, and I am just starting to really realize that refined sugar can destroy the body. There is much more information to come…stay tuned as I continue to figure out the sugar craze.
Getting to Change – Session 2 with the Support of Coaching
Individuals need to:
- Recognized the disadvantage of the status quo.
- Recognize the advantages of change.
- Hold some optimism about change.
- Have an intention to change.
- Make a commitment to change.
Recognize the disadvantage of status quo:
- I never really thought about how…
- I think I have not taken this serious enough
- I can see now that if I don’t change…. I could die sooner
Recognize the advantages of change:
- If I weigh less, I could buy regular size clothing
- If I weighed a normal weight, I would have more energy
- I would probably feel better if I exercised
- I might enjoy my grandchildren more as they grow up
Expressing optimism about change:
- I think I could exercise 2 times a week
- I was able to quit smoking many years ago
- I usually can do something if I made up my mind I am going to do it
- I think I can do this with some support from family
Expressing intention to change:
- I think it is time for me to do this
- I have got to do something
- This is not how I want to be the rest of my life
- I don’t know how I will do this but I am going to have to do it
Making a commitment to change:
- I have a plan
- I have accountability
- I have the drive
- I have support
When the Weather is Not Great: Power-Up at the Indoor Mall
It’s warm and dry…and there is coffee. Go ahead and grab your friend or family and join the walkers in the mall. It is a great spot as there are bathrooms and water. Many malls open early in the morning before the stores do. You can also window shop during your walk.
Here is a great workout
Warm-up: walk for 5 minutes at a comfortable pace.
- Walk briskly for 20 minutes.
- Do 10 jumping jacks every time you make it to your favorite store.
- Do 10 squats when you pass a favorite restraint.
- Do 10 lunges when you pass a jewelry store.
- Do 10 high marches when you pass the food court.
- When you get to an empty bench do 10 push-ups with hands on the bench.
Cooldown: walk for 5 minutes at a comfortable pace.
March Spotlight – Karen Walker
Hi, I am Karen Walker. I have been attending Sarah’s yoga class for over 5 years. I thought that yoga was twisting your body into a pretzel so I would not be a good candidate. Sarah convinced me that my perception was completely wrong and to try it. Or as Sarah would say “No worries”. Within a few months, I noticed improvement in my balance, strength, and flexibility.
My husband Terry and I have two adult children and three grandchildren. My leisure activities are physical as well as social and involve our family and friends. I enjoy cross country skiing, snowshoeing, crew (or rowing) in an 8 person boat, kayaking, hiking, and backpacking. I am a recently retired Occupational Therapist having been employed for 31 years as program director and faculty at Grand Rapids Community College Occupational Therapy Assistant program. I volunteer at Family Promise, Ability Weavers, Wittenbach Wege Nature Center, and Ada Congregational Church. Family Promise is an interfaith hospitality network that provides emergency shelter and solutions for families facing a housing crisis. Ability Weaver is a store in Lowell that sells woven products made by weavers with special needs. Wittenbach Wege Nature Center of Lowell schools provides hands-on nature programs. I participate in the classes for 3-6-year-olds called Tiny Trekkers.
As I age balance, strength, and flexibility are important for my health. I appreciate Sarah’s attention and response to our needs as she leads our yoga classes.
Peppermint Essential Oil from Young Living
I love this oil because it helps me in so many ways. Keep in mind these are ways that Peppermint Essential Oil from Young Living has helped me. I am not saying that it will cure these issues – only how it has helped me with these issues. I am not a doctor. That being said I use Peppermint for the following:
- To help me focus or wake up
- To clear up my sinuses from a cold or allergies
- To calm my upset stomach
- To help with bowel movements
- To help with heartburn
- To cool off on a hot summer day
I tend to keep a bottle at the office so I can open it and simply let it sit on my desk – open – for 5 minutes. This helps to clear up any sinus issues I may be having. I also like to do this in the afternoon when I hit that afternoon slump. Smelling Peppermint helps to wake me up and focus my thoughts back on my work. I’ll rub a drop or two of Peppermint Essential Oil from Young Living on my stomach when I am not feeling well or I am having digestive issues. I heard recently that someone puts one or two drops in their toilet before sitting down when they need to have a bowel movement.
I have also put one or two drops of Peppermint Essential Oil from Young Living under my tongue to help with heartburn. In the summer it is nice to have a spray bottle with some of the peppermint oil and water combined to help me cool off in the heat. If you try this be sure you do not spray this on your face or in your eyes. Lastly, Peppermint oil is one of the 3 oils I use from Young Living as support for my sinus allergies. I combine the Peppermint with Lavender and Lemon in a capsule with the Young Living V6 carrier oil.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the information in these blogs please feel free to contact me through The Hammock LLC.
Well, that is it for now. We will chat again later.
Certified Therapy Dog Visits the Hammock Yoga Studio
It is an honor to have a certified therapy dog come join us for restorative yoga. Sam is Kathy Walsh‘s certified therapy dog who works for programs in hospitals and libraries. It is extremely relaxing to have the therapy Sammy around during the yoga class. He is a gentle, and loving therapy dog!
What is a therapy dog: Unlike a service dog, a therapy dog is a pet trained to interact with many people other than its handler to make those people feel comfortable, relaxed, focused, and decrease anxieties. Therapy dogs are only allowed into places like hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and libraries by prior authorization.