Restorative Yoga
Welcome to the art and science of healing. Though the support of ancient yogic techniques with modern science. This evidence-based practice uses yoga as a tool in healing especially in the realm of trauma, which has the potential to throw the body out of balance within the autonomic nervous system. Restorative yoga traditionally means propping in ways to allow the student to release all tension. Restorative yoga allows the body to truly rest and shift into a healthier state.
This provides a unique opportunity for exploring and deepening the mind/body connection. Defined as yoga poses completely supported by props, thus releasing the body to rest in them for longer periods to receive deeper benefits derived from the poses, and encouraging the body’s innate healing. Fully supported passive poses create a deep state of relaxation – a seed for meditation. In addition, the poses awaken dull areas of the body to improve circulation and encourage healing. Restorative poses can be powerfully beneficial to bring about awareness of muscular and respiratory holding patterns and to reduce stress.
The restorative yoga practice is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. During the long holds of restorative yoga, your muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It’s a unique feeling because props, rather than your muscles, are used to support your body in a way to achieve physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Restorative yoga can be done through private yoga instruction or in small group settings. Call 616-893-5661 or contact us for more information.
Therapeutic Yoga
Therapeutic Yoga is about opening up healing pathways and opportunities for growth – physically, mentally, and spiritually using various yoga tools. Each pathway to healing will be as unique as is the person healing. The choices we make each day can move us toward health and our purpose in life or they can move us away. The choices we made yesterday are affecting those we make today and thus our balance. Therapeutic yoga is an inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the body, mind, and spirit. A therapeutic yoga teacher applies the techniques of yoga with knowledge about a specific problem, experience, and intuition to help alleviate that problem.
This individual yoga session includes a postural analysis screening, a physical assessment, and a therapy program design. Myofascial concepts and foam roller techniques are used to enhance awareness of the body’s habitual holding patterns. Using the tools of Therapeutic yoga, we explore your body’s habitual holding patterns and provide physical adjustments, as needed, in order to transform your habitual holding patterns into healthier movements.
Understanding your limitations and how to incorporate the necessary adaptations for your posture will allow us to facilitate and restore wholeness to your body.
Therapeutic yoga practices systematically strengthen different systems in the body, including:
- heart
- cardiovascular system
- lungs
- muscles
- body alignment
- nervous system
These yoga practices can:
- improve the function of the digestive system
- foster psychological well-being
- improve oxygen delivery to tissues
- help the body move in more efficient ways
Therapeutic yoga can be beneficial through private yoga sessions. Call 616-893-5661 or contact us for more information.