4 Things You Can Do Instead of Complain

GratefulOne of the biggest threats to building a great team and organization is complaining. When we complain we focus on everything else but being our best. Complaining actually costs the economy billions of dollars in lost productivity and it will sabotage the morale, engagement, and culture of your team if you let it.

We complain for two main reasons.

  1. We feel powerless.
  2. It’s a habit. You can break the habit and when you stop complaining.

Think about starting to create the life that you want. Let’s face it, if you are complaining, you’re not leading.

To help you break out of a “complaining” rut; here are four things you can do instead of complaining. These tips will help you realize you are not powerless. You have the power to choose your beliefs and actions, and focus on the positive instead of the negative, you’ll find the faith, strength, and confidence to take on life’s challenges and identify the solutions to your complaints.

  1. Practice Gratitude. Research shows that when we count three blessings a day, we get a measurable boost in happiness that uplifts and energizes us. It’s also physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. Two thoughts cannot occupy our minds at the same time. If you are focusing on gratitude, you can’t be negative. You can also energize and engage your coworkers by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work.
  2. Praise Others. Instead of complaining about what others are doing wrong, start focusing on what they are doing right. Praise them and watch as they create more success as a result. Of course, point out their mistakes so they can learn and grow, but make sure you give three times as much praise as criticism.
  3. Focus on Success. Start a success journal. Each night before you go to bed, write down the one great thing about your day. The one great conversation, accomplishment, or win that you are most proud of. Focus on your success, and you’ll look forward to creating more success tomorrow.
  4. Let Go. Focus on the things that you have the power to change, and let go of the things that are beyond your control. You’ll be amazed that when you stop trying to control everything, it all somehow works out. Surrender is the answer.