I have been in sales/marketing for most of my career and have been fortunate to be able to travel the world and see so many different places, cultures and meet so many wonderful people. It has taught me to be open to new people and situations as unbelievable opportunities are opened to you. I’m inspired by our great country and the opportunity we have to travel freely and explore every state and the people in it.
I met Sarah and started yoga about 4 years ago. I had gone to yoga classes when my boys were younger with a group of friends. All of whom are still friends today. As I remember, it was much easier back then than when I started with Sarah. At the time I investigated yoga again I was having difficulty with my knees, back and getting up and down off the floor. Our beginning Gentle Yoga class was just three people, Barb, Bonnie and me. It was a great way to start strengthening my body. The class has grown and I’m fortunate to have many new friends from our class.
I’m 76 years young and plan on continuing to come to yoga until I’m no longer physically able to make it. It not only keeps our bodies flexible and moving but it wonderful for the soul.
My advice to new yoga students is the start slow, listen to your body but remember to push a bit beyond your comfort level. I guess that applies not only to yoga but to life.
If I were to be a new color, I would be sunshine yellow. Sunshine is good for our body and mind.